
It typically doesn’t matter if it is a prescription drug or a recreational drug, all drugs have compounds that interact with other compounds, adverse interactions with cannabis appear rare. As example of drugs interaction there is caffeine, which most people take on a daily basis. Caffeine has over eighty known interactions with other substances. It is difficult...


Guide How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Florida The first thing you’ll want to do is contact NHSOF MD in Florida to schedule your appointment with a medical marijuana card doctor nearest to you home or place of employment. At this time you are required to see the doctor in person, in a...

Marijuana’s official designation as a Schedule 1 drug something with “no currently accepted medical use” means it’s pretty tough to study. Yet both a growing body of research and numerous anecdotal reports link cannabis with several health benefits, including pain relief and helping with certain forms of epilepsy. In addition, researchers say there are many other...

Marijuana and high blood pressure A new study suggests that anyone who smokes marijuana faces risks of high blood pressure than people who have never used the drug. Those findings sound alarming, but it’s important to keep in mind that, like any study, this one has limitations, including that it defines marijuana “users” as anyone...