
It typically doesn’t matter if it is a prescription drug or a recreational drug, all drugs have compounds that interact with other compounds, adverse interactions with cannabis appear rare. As example of drugs interaction there is caffeine, which most people take on a daily basis. Caffeine has over eighty known interactions with other substances. It is difficult...


Guide How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Florida The first thing you’ll want to do is contact NHSOF MD in Florida to schedule your appointment with a medical marijuana card doctor nearest to you home or place of employment. At this time you are required to see the doctor in person, in a...


Throughout the years of the 21st century, the use of medical marijuana has been increasingly used and recognized to treat a variety of problems that are unsuccessfully treated with other pharmaceuticals and therapeutic procedures. Below is a list of some of the health conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana.   AIDS/HIV In a human...